From ancient times it is utilized for ailing several health issues such as easing labor pains, treating leg swelling and weakness, reducing blood sugar levels, etc. The fenugreek seeds are bitter and somewhat like maple syrup as well. The plant also contains various potent compounds, which have a significant benefit in boosting testosterone levels.

What are the benefits of fenugreek?

Fenugreek seeds are packed with super beneficial compounds such as biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Iron, Protein, Calcium, etc. Therefore, it is being considered helpful, and over a millennium, it is one of the favorite traditional medicine.

Boosts Milk production 

In Asian countries, especially India, Fenugreek is used to stimulate women’s milk flow. Many new mothers face milk production problems, which can further impact the baby’s health. Hence, it can increase breast milk production, which is vital for women who have just given birth.

Supports Weight Loss

Fenugreek has shown properties of reducing the appetite and enhancing fullness. The people who are willing to lose weight can be benefitted from this as well. Fenugreek contains fiber content, which gives the feeling of fullness.

Fights Inflammation

Fenugreek also acts as an impactful anti-inflammatory agent because it has considerable amounts of antioxidants. The high antioxidant flavonoid content in fenugreek has a significant role in minimizing inflammation.

Reduces Blood Pressure and Heart Issues

Fenugreek is said to have 48% dietary fiber, regulating cholesterol levels in humans. The reduced cholesterol level further minimized the risk of developing health problems. So, it is perfect for heart health.

Reduces Hair Fall

Reducing hair fall and minimizing dandruff is yet another significant benefit of fenugreek. Fenugreek is rich in Vitamin A, KC, and folic acid as well. Furthermore, it is also packed with iron, potassium, and calcium, making it a fantastic solution for reducing hair fall.

How does fenugreek influence testosterone levels?

The little legume ‘fenugreek’ is undoubtedly an unsung hero, which is helpful in many ways. Many people still are unaware of how it can impact testosterone in humans. Testosterone is a male sex hormone. It is crucial to have sufficient hormone levels in males to pose good reproductive health. A higher testosterone level means good sex life in a nutshell.

Apart from sex drive, it is crucial for muscle mass, bone mass, production of sperm and red blood cells. With age, the decline in testosterone levels in males is typical. As per the National Institute of Health reports, low testosterone levels have significantly affected men’s health in their old ages. Hence, it is evident that why healthy levels of testosterone are essential.

Fenugreek is used for various health purposes, and boosting testosterone levels is also one. It contains furostanolic saponins, which blocks aromatase, and 5-alpha-reductase, the two enzymes that consume testosterone to produce other hormones. It further helps to increase testosterone.

As per one study of 2016 by the National Library of Medicine, 120 participants took 600mg fenugreek for 12 weeks. All the participants were between 43-75. The study concluded that their testosterone levels significantly increased and their men’s symptoms. Another Texas-based study was done on 30 men who were given fenugreek supplements, and the results clearly showed increased blood flow and enhancement in testosterone levels.

However, additional research needs to be done to determine the impact of fenugreek on testosterone accurately. You should also always consult your physician to check your testosterone levels and then choose the treatment accordingly.

Does fenugreek have any side effects?

For well-tolerated and healthy adults, fenugreek is generally safe to use. But it can have some side effects as well, which you must always consider avoiding health complications. It can cause nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, digestive problems, etc. Although there are some mild side effects on the severe side, they can cause asthma exacerbations, dangerous drug reactions of the skin called toxic epidermal necrolysis, liver damage, etc.

Apart from these side effects, it can also reduce potassium levels. People with previous heart health issues should always take fenugreek rich supplement only after consulting with their doctors. Furthermore, people who are allergic to peanuts, coriander, chickpeas should avoid fenugreek as it can cause cross-reactivity.

How is fenugreek generally consumed?

  • Teas. One of the necessary forms in which you will find fenugreek is ‘morning tea.’ Mixing fenugreek powder with boiling water will give you a perfect tea to start a day.
  • Seed Snack. Fenugreek can also be consumed as a wet seed snack. Yes, you can soak it in water overnight and in the morning, chew the seeds whenever you feel hungry. It helps to curb the appetite leading to weight loss!
  • All-Purpose Seed Flour. One can use it as a powder to mix in curries after roasting and grinding the fenugreek seeds. Also, you can consume this seed flour by adding it into smoothies to boost its goodness.


Fenugreek can be naturally added to your regular diets to obtain its goodness. The T levels in the human body get significantly impacted with its usage because of its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. However, it won’t solve the T problems alone. A change in the overall lifestyle of a person is essential to see the results.

But in a nutshell, it does help boost testosterone levels, which usually drops after a certain age. Do consult your doctor about using any fenugreek rich supplement to be on the safer side.